The first Rensselaerville town meeting (which then included the four hilltowns) was held in the home of Johannes Fischer in 1790. The house is on the flats to the north of what is now the hamlet of Berne. It was probably in a new house Fischer had just buil at the end of Stranahan Lane. At the time the main road to Knox crossed Fox Creek near the old yarmchuk house and then went past the Fischer house. Fisher had a smsll store. He also took in farmers for the night on their way to or from Weidman mills. When the town of Berne was created in1795 again the first town meeting was held in the home of Johannes Fischer. The Town of Berne kept the previous records of the Town of Rensselaerville. In 1800 Fischer owned 8 slaves.making him one of the richest men in Berne. In1825 the house was sold to Dan Simmons who owned the nearby ax factory. Later it belonged to Jesse Wood and has a NYS Historical marker in front of the house. Later it belonged to thr Stranahans and is now the Clemmer house.