"Our Heritage," edited by Euretha Wolford Stapleton, Historian, Town of Berne, and produced by the Town of Berne Historical Commission, 1977, is a 144 page paperback on the history of the Town of Berne, including many early photographs, plus biographical sketches on the some of the families of the early settlers. Although much new information has been discovered in recent years on these families, there is still much of value in this very interesting book.
A reprint of Our Heritage is now available from the Berne Town Clerk at $15 if picked up at the Town Hall office, or $20 if mailed. Checks should be made out to Town of Berne and mailed to Berne Town Clerk, PO Box 57, Berne, NY 12023. The first chapter on the founding of Berne is out of date and wrong as are the early history of the first families.