
Berne Local

John E. Miller

1928 - Diary of John E. Miller August 1 Wrote letter to Mabel. Received character letter from Rev. Luerkheim. Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Goldsmith called here to arrange with me for the baptizing of their baby. Dane Crigger called here in the evening. August 2 Made a box for books. Packed two boxes of books. Received letter from Gladstone. August 3 Wrote to Selena and Victor Monk. Had visitor in evening (Mr. & Mrs. E. Schopf, Uncle George & Aunt Mary). Wet weather. Aug. 4 Went to Desbro - got baptismal certificate from Pastor Luerkheim and two letters (character) from Mr. M. Sutcliffe for visa. Sister Lillian and Gordon R. motored here from Toronto. Dane C. was here in evening. Aug. 5 Motored to the home of Mr. & Mrs. Goldsmith. Bentink Tp. baptized their baby (My first baptism) The baby was born on July 7, 1928 and was named Percy Vernon. The witnesses were Percy and Elsie Miller. For the official act I was given $2. Uncle Alberts were here in the evening but were called home by Minnie and Miss Thompson, nurse-in-training at the S & M (G? & M) hospital at Omen Sound. Upon invitation, Clara and I visited at Uncle Alberts for a short time. Aug. 6 Received letter from Mabel. Clara and Gordon R. motored back to Toronto. The Misses Florence and Esther Paulson, 21 Arthur Ave. S., Hamilton, (phone 2999w), with a friend of theirs from Callingwood, I understand. Called to enquire about Dr. J. A. Miller's uncle confirmed one of the sisters. Both are members of Dr. William's congregation at Hamilton. Both are very interesting and I liked the boyfriend very much. Aug. 7 Sent letter to Mabel and Dr. Leitzell, Albany. helped to unload two loads wheat. Norman Gertie and Manuel Bittorf were here in the evening. Aug. 8 Victor Monk and Nancy Milne were here for dinner and stayed till about 7:30 P.M. Lillian, Victor, Nancy and I went to Owen Sound Hospital to call for cousin Minnie M - nurse-in-training. After our trip we went to the lake. "Dick" and I went to the island while the girls went in bathing. Aug. 9 Wrote letter to Dr. Potter, Mr. & Mrs. John Godsmith. Wilfred Goldsmith, + Adeline (Mrs. H. Myren) were here in the evening. Aug. 10 Sent letters to Mabel and Mr. Ball. went to softball match between Derby and Echo Valley in L. Drone's field. I kept score. The game was called on account of darkness at end of first half third inning (8-6 E. Valley). A large number of relatives and frieds, including Rev. + Mrs. Luerkheim were here in the evening. I was presented with a purse and money. I gave a short talk in appreciation for the gift. went to Geo. Miller's and got check for $150. Went to Williamsford with Amy, Annie and Aunt Mary. Aug. 11 Went with dad to Jul. Maluskins to take Lillie Then went to Owen Sound to get clerical suit. Took boxes of books to C.P.R. Station, Chatsworth, but not home, then sent to Berne until the station master first receives prices from Toronto. Drew up note for $150 at Geo. Miller's with interest at 5% per annum. Visited in the evening with Mr. & Mrs. Louck. Aug. 12 Mr. & Mrs. Jul Kuhl + family, all of Uncle Alberts were here. Mr. Wm. Leuck died of heart failure. Aug. 13 Went to see the late Mr. Leuck. Wrote letter to Mabel. In the evening went to Uncle Jul Maluskins with Annie, Lillie Maluskin and I went to Luther Legne + the old stone church parsonage. Returned to Jul M. and had ice cream. Aug. 14 Wrote letter and sent money order ($22.00) to Lloyd Schaus payment on board. finished packing trunk. Aug. 15 Left Chatsworth at 7:25 for Hamilton via Toronto. At Toronto called on Florence a few moments. After arriving in Hamilton I phoned Mrs. Paulson and later called at her home. Played tennis at the Lutheran church courts with Helen and also with Adelia Gruhl. Clara P. and her brother Herman called for us. Before we went for supper I got doctor's certificate for immigration visa. After supper we went motoring around Hamilton, saw insane asylum, etc. Went to Burlington beach. This day being Wednesday I could do nothing towards getting the visa. Aug. 16 Got up about 8.10. Went down town with Esther who directed me to the U.S. Consul's office. At the ofice I could only make the application for the visa which could only be ready for me at 3.30 P.M. Besides I needed two more photos. This requirement came into effect since July 1. Had photos taken. Then I went to Mrs. P's home after phoning her. Helen and I had several more sets of tennis at the Trinity Lutheran Church courts. Went back to her home for dinner at 2.30. Helen got ready and came with me to the studio and the immigration office, then to say good-bye to her sister, Esther, then to the station. Somehow I missed the 4.20 T.H. + B. train. Then we went back to see Esther. while Esther + Helen went home together I got on the 6.13 train for Buffalo. Got off at Black Rock and no record was found concerning my rejection into the U.S. upon surrendor of visa. I was duly admitted into the U.S. Left Black Rock at 9.00 (thanks to an immigration officer) and arrived at Buffalo about 10.44. Aug. 17 I arrived in Albany at 3.55 A.M. Later I called Mr. Frank Hochstrasser who went to Albany and got my trunk from station. The customs inspector who examined my trunk is a Lutheran, Mr. George Philipper by name. Had dinner at Mrs. Hochstrasser's. Then Mr. Frank H. took my club bag and trunk as well as me to the parsonage. The parsonage is well furnished. Went to Berne post office and bought stamps + envelopes. Borrowed from Mrs. Fr. H. 2 sheets, 2 pillow cases, 3 towels, + 1 washcloth. Both Mrs. Willsey and Mrs. Cook invited me for supper. That no ill feeling would arise between these two parties I accepted the latter invitation. Immediately after supper Mr. Fr. Hoch. called and took me as well as his wife to the home of the late Eugene Wright to comfort the sorrowing widow and only son. God sent me there, and I am glad I went. After this visit I visited with Mr. + Mrs. Chesebro. They came to the parsonage with me and I went back with them and stayed there all night. At Albany this morning I sent cards to my Mabel, to home and to Mr. George Maluske. Aug. 18 had breakfast at Mrs. Cook's place about 7 o'clock. After breakfast we had scripture reading and prayer. I read Matt. 20:1-16. I came back here and prepared a funeral sermon. I did not take dinner out. I had supper at Mr. Cook's place and immediately after supper Mr. and Mrs. Chesebro called for me and took me to Knox, a small village not far from here, and at which they get their milk. I stayed at Mr. + Mrs. Chesebro's place all night. Got letter from Mabel. Aug. 19 Had breakfast at Mr. Chesebro's place and then came to parsonage. Went to church about 10:00 and talked with Mr. Ball and others. I preached on the text, John 6:67-68. The Hymns were 172, 533, and 70. In the Common Service Book they are 143, 260 and 307. At two o'clock I conducted the funeral service of the late Mr. Eugene Wright. I spoke on part of verse 36, of the fifth chapter of St. Mark - "Be not afraid; only believe." The service at the grave was held in the new cemetary - the Woodlawn Cemetary. Came to parsonage and wrote letter home. For the funeral service I received $10. At 7:30 I attended the C.E. Society meeting in the Berne Lutheran Church. Mr. R. Tompkins was the leader. I stayed at Mr. + Mrs. Chesebro's all night. In the afternoon I wrote letter home. Aug. 20 Sent money order for $43.77 to U.C. Public House, Philadelphia, for books. Read the pamphlets Russelism and Bible Wine. Did not work hard. In the evening I went to prayer meeting in the Reformed Church Hall. Stayed at Mr. and Mrs. Chesebro's place for the evening. Aug. 21 Worked on sermon. wrote letter to Mabel. read part of Xion Service, Weighed + Tested. In the evening Mr. + Mrs. Chesebro and I went to West Berne to see bus driver about getting my books from Albany. Received notification that books arrived at Albany. Received letter from home. Stayed at Mr. Chesebro's in evening. Aug. 22 Wrote letter to Lillie Maluske, worked on sermon. Listened to an address of Governor Smith. Mr. Ball visited me. Aug. 23 finished sermon, received notification from Mr. Chesebro that I have funeral of Mr. Campbell on Sunday. pressed trousers and gown at Mrs. C.D. Willsey's. Mr. Ball, wife, daughter, and another lady called for me and took me for a drive through East Berne to Mr. Frank Willsey's. Aug. 24 worked on funeral sermon. went to church hall in the afternoon to watch the play to be given on August 29. In the evening went to visit the wife and three daughters of the late Mr. James Campbell, whose funeral service I have been asked to conduct. Maurice Chesebro, his wife and two sons were at Mr. and Mrs. Chesebro's place. Aug. 25 I finished funeral sermon, finished reading the book "Christian Science." Aug. 26 preached in morning. Text on St. Luke 18:9-14. The hymns were 52, 180, and 66. In C.S. book they are 426, 151, and 431. At two o'clock I conducted the funeral service of the late Mr. James Campbell. His age was 58. He was a mason. The masons had a service at the grave but I gave the committal. In the evening I attended the C.E. Society meeting after being at Mr. + Mrs. Jess Snyder with Mr. + Mrs. Chesebro's. Aug. 27 Wrote letters to Arthur, Uncle J.A. + Gladstone. Mr. Willsey was here installing sink. Mr. C.M. Mittlioft, 2407 East Chester Rd, Bronx, N.Y.C. called on me. He wanted to meet my wife and family as well as me. He gave me much encouragement and helpful advice to struggle on against adversity, to pray for divine help. Aug. 28 Went to Albany with Mr. + Mrs. Chesebro and got books from Post Office after inspection by Custom's Office. Went through most of the state offices. got letter from Mabel. Aug. 29 My birthday - received letters from home + H. Paulsen. had supper at Mr. Chesebro's. In evening I attended the two one act plays given by the "Sunshine Class" in the Church hall. had homemade ice cream and cake. Birthday cake shared with the "Sunshine Class", ten girls. worked on sermon. wrote to Mabel. Aug. 30 Worked on sermon. had dinner outside of house at Mrs. Chesebro's. They had visitors from Schenectady. Went to Schoharie in evening and saw street movies. Wrote to Mabel. Aug. 31 finished sermon, went to West Berne Reformed Church's chicken supper as guest of Mr. Haverly. Sept. 1 Wrote to Mabel. finished book, "Baptism" by Whitteker. Mr. Ball called and gave me church register as well as check for $62.50, half month's salary. Sept. 2 preached sermon on Mark 7:31-37. The hymns were 94, 470, and 400 and in C.S. Book they were 281, 411 and 167. had council meeting after service re my installation and a letter of dismissal from the Berne Lutheran Church to the Reformed Church of Knox, N.Y., for Mr. + Mrs. Floyd Gibbs. In the afternoon Mr. + Mrs. Chesebro their Son Maurice, his wife and family and I motored to the "Indian Ladder" and other historic places there. In the evening attended the C.S. Soc. meeting in our church. Sept. 3 Labor Day. finished book Revelation 20. wrote letters to Mr. Arthur Quay re Mr. + Mrs. F. Gibbs, Mrs. William French, Ida Miller, and Victor Mark. Sept. 4 Received letter from Mabel from N.Y.City. pressed two suits of clothes, worked on sermon. had hair cut. Sept. 5 Mr. + Mrs. Chesebro and I went to Endicott. saw my xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx, went with her to her home + then saw Isabelle, then returned to Dr. Welches with her in same taxi. From Dr. Welches we four (Mr. + Mrs. Chesebro, Mabel + I) went to Mabel's place and had supper. The older folks went out for the evening. Mabel + I decided that evening xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. We slept at Mr. Parsons at night. Sept. 6 Had snaps taken (Mabel + I)(Mr. + Mrs. Carson, Mabel + I)(Mabel, a neighbor's baby + I). Left at 10:00. We left Mabel off at Dr. Welches where we met Lois, Mabel's sister. Then Lois, Mabel + I had our pictures taken together. We had a very pleasant trip and profitable. had letters from Dr. Leitzell + Lillie Maluske. Sept. 7 Worked on sermon. Paul Hochstrasser called here and asked me to take his S. S. class. Had letters from E. Heimrich + Florence and a card from Everett Wright. Sept. 8 finished sermon - had letters from Dr. Schaeffer, Floyd Schans and Minnie Miller. Read some of "Lutheran Fundamentals." Mr. Chesebro got check cashed $62.50 (weighed 124 lbs) Sept. 9 taught men's class in S.S. preached sermon on Luke 10:part of verse 29 - "And who is my neighbor?" The hymns were 109, 100, and 312 and in the C.S.B. they were (no corresponding hymn), 361 and 168. In the afternoon Mr. + Mrs. Chesebro and I went for motor trip past Mr. Clyde Ball's place. In the evening I went to the Union Meeting at the Reformed Church where, with Rev. Gosser (?) I was a leader. At this meeting that celebrated Miss Gratia De Brown played on the violin. This violin artis, whose programmes have been broadcast over W.G.Y. Schenectady, is only fifteen. She was pleasant to meet. Sept. 10 split wood cut weeds with scythe. wrote letters to Mabel (in which was enclosed a letter to Lois) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and wrote a letter to Dr. Leitzel re my installation. received Chicago Seminary catalogue from Dr. Schaeffer and some advt. for books (parish paper). Sept. 11 Read "Lutheran Fundamentals," wrote letter to Mabel. worked on sermon but with no great success Sept. 12 Mr. + Mrs. Chesebro and I went to Altamont fair in A.M. saw automobile display, implement display, vebetables, grains, cattle horse races, elephants and at night fire works. Had letter from Mabel + Rev Wahl + N.Y. (greek testament) from E. Neimrich(?). Sept. 13 worked on sermon. At four o'clock left with Mr. + Mrs. Chesebro for Altamont fair. I bought a Bible, N.Y. and books of gospels and psalms. saw fireworks in evening. Sept. 14 worked on sermon. received letters from Lois, Rev. Krauss of Chicago Seminary and books from Grand Rapids, Mich., re a parish paper. Sept. 15 finished sermon. In the afternoon went with Mr. + Mrs. Chesebro to Albany. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Sept. 16 Taught the boys class for the first time. (4 boys present). Preached sermon on Luke 17:11-19. The hymns were 408, 89 and 66. In the C.S.B they were 382, 256, 431. At our service we had the Youth Council of the N.Y. state Sunday School Association. The superintendent of this Association, the Rev. W. Blodgett, an ordained Presbyterian minister spoke. In the evening we had C.E. Society meeting in our church. This was a very successful meeting. It was conducted by Mr. Frank Wright. Sept. 17 wrote letters to Prof. Krauss, Rev. Wahl, mother, Mabel, and Rev. E. Heinrich. Also sent card for the Literary Digest. talked with Mr. C.L. Ball at noon. Sept. 18 did some general reading. bought marriage certificates from Clyde L. Ball. Sept. 19 worked on sermon. had dinner alone as Mr. + Mrs. Chesebro went to Albany. did some general reading. Sept. 20 Mrs. Chesebro + I visited Mr. Hochstrasser. In the afternoon Paul and I visited at the homes of Homer Gallup, Nathaniel Gallup, Fred Filkins, Mrs. Arthur Warner, Mr. + Mrs. Strevel. These people of East Berne were quite in favor of having the East Berne Lutheran Church reopened. Sept. 21 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx worked on sermon. Sept. 22 finished sermon. Went with Mr. + Mrs. Chesebro to Mr. J. Sniders for milk. Sept. 23 taught boys class, 3 present, preached on Matt 6:24-34. The hymns were 202, 292, 427. In the C.S.B. they are 276, 199, not given. In the evening, was at the C.E. Society meeting. In the afternoon Mr. + Mrs. Ch. and I went to visit Mrs. Weideman, the organist, who was sick. There I met her sister, Olive. She played the organ as substitute for her sister. She drives a car. The service was well attended. Many of the Reformed Church were present, due perhaps to the fact that their pastor is on his vacation. Sept. 24 wrote letters to Minnie Miller, Amy, Ethel Maluske, + Lillie Malinofski. In the afternoon had a fine visit with Olive Shultes alone. She drove me back to Mrs. Chesebro's in her Essex coach. Sept. 25 wrote to Olive re mistake. I tried to correct wrong impression she had of Mrs. Chesebro and she going to the Cobleskill Fair. worked on sermon. Sept. 26. Mr. + Mrs. Chesebro, Mrs. Chas Willsey, and I went to the Cobleskill fair. had letter from Olive. Sept. 27 worked on sermon, wrote letters to Clara and Mrs. Evelyn Rausche. went to visit Mr. Clyde L. Ball at noon at the school. Sept. 28 finished sermon. Received letters from home and Mabel. wrote letter to Mabel. had haircut. Sept. 29 did some general reading. In the evening Mrs. Chesebro and I visited at Luther Sand's place. Sept. 30 - taught boys class, 6 present. Preached sermon on Luke 7:11-17. The hymns were 114, In the C.S.B they are . Went with Mr. + Mrs. Chesebro to Middleburgh and called on Rev. Ball, did not see him but was entertained by Mrs. Ball. In the evening attended the C.E. Society meeting in our church in Berne. Had dinner with Mr. Brooks. Oct. 1 Wrote letters to Gertie Maluske. Ida and Mabel split and piled some wood in the woodshed. did some general reading. Oct. 2 worked on sermon. Called to see Mr. Ball at school. He gave me check for $125. finished splitting and piling wood in shed. Oct. 3 received encouraging letter from Mabel. finished sermon. Called on Mr. Ball at noon. He explained communion service to me. Split some wood at Mr. Chesebro's. Oct. 4 cut burdocks at parsonage. Rev. Frederick (not of Altamont) called on me. Went to Cobleskill with George Bogardus and with Mr. Willsey (Kathleen's brother). wrote letter to Mabel. Oct. 5 wrote to Florence + sent $5 bill. Wrote home and enclosed at $10 bill for home and a $5 for Arthur. Went to Albany with Mr. + Mrs. Chesebro. Received letters from Mabel, Lillie Maluske + Gladstone + also Literary Digest. saw first chipmunk + tortoise since coming to N.Y.S. Oct. 6 Did some general reading. In the evening went to visit Mrs. Reinhart who was ill. Oct. 7 taught boys class, 3 present. Preached on 1 Cor. 11:23-29. The hymns were 172, 323, 324 and 333 but we did not sing the last one. In the C.S.B. they are 143, no eq., 191 and administed sacrament of Lord's Supper to 92 persons. In the afternoon Mr. Clyde L. Ball called on me and we went to see Mrs. N. Sheldon to whom I administed the sacrament. In the evening I attended th C.E. Society meeting in our church. In the afteroon saw my first pheasant since coming to N.Y. state. Oct. 8 wrote to Mabel, the Literary Digest (sent money order for $4.25), Prof. Krauss (sent money order for $10, the fee of every student in the Extra-Mural Department). Rev. Wahl. Upon invitation I listened over the radio at Mr. Brooks summer home in Berne. On account of rain at St. Louis the world series game between the New York Americans and the St. Louis Cardinals was not played. Received letters from Ethel Maluske, Ida and Rev. Wahl. Oct. 9 wrote to Norman Keffer, Gladstone, and Laurita Pederson. worked on sermon. In the afternoon listened over the radio to the world series game at St. Louis. Yanks won 7-3. Oct. 10 wrote to Lillie and Arthur. Got letters from Mabel, Lillie and Arthur. worked on sermon and did some general reading. Oct. 11 worked on sermon, Received letter from Dick + Literary Digest. Wrote to Mabel + Dick. did some general reading. Oct. 12 Columbus Day. finished sermon. visited Mr. Hinman, Mrs. Frank Wright, Chester Miller + Hochstrassers (had dinner here) On my return called at home of George Bogardus but received no answer at door. In the morning Mr. Carl moved my trunk to Mrs. Chesebros. Mr. + Mrs. Ch. went to Albany so I had supper alone. Went to movie in Berne with Mrs. Chesebro. Oct. 13 did some general reading. received College Card letters from Florence + Mabel. Wrote to Mabel. Weighed 122 1/2 lbs; had talk with Rev. Goerce at his boarding house, Mrs. Hochstrassers. Oct. 14 taught boys class, 3 present, preached on Matt 22: 34-46. The hymns were 68, 499, 165. In the C.S.B. they were 492, 338, 343. In the evening I attended the Union meeting at our church. This was a good meeting. Mrs. W.L. Chesebro + Miss Margaret Hochstrasser were the leaders. Oct. 15 After breakfast I went to Mr. Becker (a tailor, who lives with Mr. Adams), and gave him my blue suit to repair, clean and press. I called to see Mrs. Sheldon in her bedroom. From Mr. Adams I got ride to Mrs. Fred Schoonmakers place. Mrs. Ball took me. I visited with Mrs. Schoonmaker a few moments. They have two g a family, one girl, eight, and one boy, six, Frank. Went to parsonage. Mr. Chesebro brought home some books for me. This is dad's birthday. Wrote letter to dad + enclosed $1. Presided at prayer meeting in the Reformed church hall. Spoke on "The Christian Church" Received letter from Rev. Wahl from the Reed Hotel, Erie, PA. Oct. 16 did some general reading. Worked on Extra-Mural course, visited with Mr. Clyde Ball at noon. Received receipt for $10 from Prof. Krauss. Wrote letter to Rev. Boomhower concerning my installation. Oct. 17 received 2 letters from Mabel, one from Lillian, and one from Arthur. worked on sermon. wrote letter to Mabel. Went to Mr. E. Adams place and got blue serge suit that was cleaned + pressed by Mr. Becker. I left striped suit there. read + prayed at bedside of Mrs. Nicholas Sheldon. Went to church with Kathleen Willsey + Josephine Swat which they thought they needed. [K.W. saw first golden pheasant in N.Y. State. Oct. 18 worked on sermon. wrote to Mabel, visited with Clyde Ball at noon. Went to Cobleskill (and Middleburgh via Schoharie) with Leyland Willsey, Kathleen Willsey and Miss La Marr of Schenectady. This trip was unexpected, yet profitable. I visited with Rev. Boomhower at Cobleskill. We had some ice-cream. He is an exceptionally fine Christian gentleman. Oct. 19 - received letters from Rev. Boomhower + Arthur Quay. finished sermon. attended sale of Kathryn E. Deitz. raked some leaves for Mr. Chesebro. Oct. 20 - did some general reading. Rec'd letters from Mabel and Dr. Potter. Went to church hall in afternoon to attend the Light Brigade meeting. In the evening I heard over the radio Calvin Coolidge, the President of the U.S.A., Thomas A. Edison; Prof. Hibbon, the President of Princeton University. It was the evening of the presentation of the Congressional medal to Thomas Alva Edison. Oct. 21 - had first lesson with confirmation class. Those present in the class were - Le Roy Hill, Dudley Hill, Mertie Karl, Gertrude Ball, Oliver Wright, Parker Winne, Paul Dell. The last three are confirmed. except Parker Winne. I preached on Matt 9: 1-8. The hymns were 177, 409, 445. In the C.S.B. they are - . Hester Hinman played the organ. In the evening I attended the Ch. En. Soc. meeting in our church. In the afternoon I heard Dr. Cadman over the radio. Oct. 22 - Prepared part of Reformation sermon. wrote to Dr. Potter and Rev. Deitz made arrangements with Sherman Tompkins to go to Altamont tomorrow. Oct. 23 - Went to Altamont with Sherman Tompkins. Left Altamont on 7:59 train + arrived in Binghampton at 12:45. Return ticket from Alt. to Bing. was 9.06. Arrived at Dr. Welches about 1.35 and saw Mabel. Soon went to Mabel's home and spent afternoon with Lois. Mabel + Myfanway Schmidt came in the evening. Then Myf, Lois, Mabel + I went to Myf's place. Myf came back with us to Mabel's home + spent evening there. We went to bed about midnight. Oct. 24 - Sat around house + had enjoyable talk until about 3.15 when Lois, Murray, Mabel + I went to the E + J factory and saw Mr. Carson, then went downtown + Mabel got dress + shoes. Mrs. Wield, with whom Mabel went to New York City, drove us to Mabel's home. Mrs. Wield drove Mabel to Welches about 8.30. I gave Mabel $10.00. "Mac", Lois and I went to a movie in Endicott, after which we had ice cream and went to their home. Oct. 25 - Got up at 5.50, had hurried breakfast. Mac took me to the Street car line in West Endicott. Got 6.20 car + arrived in Bing. about 7.00. Left Bing. for Altamont at 7.25 and arrived in Altamont about 11.30. Went to Rev. Frderick's place + had dinner there. had look in his church + was entertained till about 2.50 when I left on the Schoharie Valley bus for Berne. Arrived at Mr. Chesebro's place about 3.30. Got ready for supper to be given in the Church hall. Wrote letter to Selena. Went to church hall and had a good supper and a good time. Oct. 26 - worked on sermon. wrote letter to Mabel. Mr. + Mrs. Chesebro went to Albany. Mrs. Ch bought 4 clerical collars for me. Oct. 27 - finished sermon - received letters from Mabel, Dick Mark + Uncle Jo. sent towels to Mabel. Went to Hallowe'en Social at our church hall. took a prize, had a good time. Oct. 28 - taught confirmation class. Those present were Oliver Wright, Keith Shultes, Mertie Carl, Gertrude Ball. Preached first reformation sermon - text Deut. 21:6. The hymns were 201, 343, 286. In the afternoon Mr. + Mrs. Chesebro, Mr. + Mrs. Frank Shultes + I motored to Schenectady + saw Carl + Burton Haveley. In the evening I attended the C.E. Soc. meeting in our church. Mrs. Sanford Shelton was the leader. Oct. 29 - Had letter from Lois Carson + advt. from Grand Rapid, Mich. did some genral readings. visited with Clyde L. Ball at noon. wrote letters to Mabel, Arthur, Florence, Lois, and sent money order for $.75 to Victor Monk for College Card. Went over church register and wrote names on slip of paper which I expect to hand over to Clyde Ball for correction. Oct. 30 - Mabel's birthday. Walked to visit Mr. + Mrs. Sydney Dearstyne, Mrs. James Bailey, Mrs. Roy Bailey, Mr. + Mrs. Charles Ball (at whose place I stayed for dinner) Mrs. Luther J Wright and her mother, Mrs. Reinhart (6 families). I received letters from Justice Smith and Rev. Moyer of Rensselaer. Oct. 31 - got letter from Mabel. Went with Mr. Chesebro to watch him spray the stables off. Went to M.E. church in West Berne to clam chowder supper with Mr. + Mrs. Chesebro. wrote letter to Lois Carson. Wrote letter to Selena and Myrtle (both at home) and had enclosed two dollars for their birthday. Received check for $125 from Clyde L. Ball. Nov. 1 - worked on sermon. did some general reading as well as worked on Theological Encyclopedia for the degree of B.S. got letters from Rev. Deitz + Alumni Association of Watglas (?) College. wrote letter to Mabel. Nov. 2 - finished sermon. did some general reading. attended the annual congregational meeting at our church. presided at meeting. led at prayer. elections as follows - trustee - George Bogardus, elder - Roy Bailey, and deacon - Howard Wright. sec'y/treas. - Clyde L. Ball. Nov. 3 - Myrtle's birthday. received letters from Mabel + catalogue of Chicago L. Seminary. did some general reading. had check cashed to extent of $75 by Mr. Chesebro and also got a check from him for $50, and I gave him my check for $125. Nov. 4 - Selena's birthday. Taught SS - those present were Leroy Hill, Oliver Wright, Mertie Carl and Gertrude Ball. Installed the newly elected officers - George Bogardus, Roy Bailey and Howard Wright. Preached on John 16:30. The hymns were 190, 161, 284. Hester Hinman played the organ. In the afternoon, Mr. + Mrs. Chesebro and I visited an aged couple, Mr. + Mrs. Auchampaugh. I read John 14:1-18 and offered prayer. Instead of the regular Christian Endeavor service, the Women's Missionary Society held their Annual Thank Offering meeting at our church at 7:30 o'clock. Mrs. Frank Hochstrassed spoke on "Our Goal. In Everything Give Thanks." A pageant was given entitled "Songs of Grateful Hearts." I offered prayer and pronounced the benediction. Wrote letter to Mabel. Nov. 5 - Did some general reading. Wrote letters to the Rev's Boomhower, Wahl, Moyer at Rensselaer, + Deitz. Sent money order of $2. It's my membership fee of the Alumni Association of Waterloo College. Nov. 6 - Presidential election in the U.S. Received letter from Gladstone. Worked on sermon. Visited for awhile with the postmaster. Nov. 7 - Worked on sermon. Received letter from Mabel. Wrote letter to Mabel + enclosed $10. Mr. + Mrs. Chesebro went to Albany. I stayed home + wrote letter to mother. Nov. 8 - finished Armistice Day sermon. Received news that I have charge of the funteral service of the late Mr. Cyrus Balston of Rensselaerville. He was 75 years of age. I prepared sermon in the evening. Went down to Mr S. S. Shultes' store and bought pr. rubbers (rain boots).